Thursday, May 19, 2011

A Secular Society is Bullshit

A secular society is one that denounces attitudes, activities or other things, a country that has no religious or spiritual basis. This does not mean that the country doesn’t allow freedom, it just means as a country our principles are no religious based. However, the “all mighty God” dictates still to this day governmental policies. I don’t have issues with people believing in God; personally I don’t and never will as I can’t imagine living my life for anyone else but myself. The issues I have with religion is when it is often pushed onto people, just like has done so throughout the government.

Australia at the very beginning was not founded on the godly principles like so many people like to think. The spirituality of Indigenous folk is what was once spread throughout this land. The true and original Australia was then “founded” or (invaded as I like to call it) by convicts who killed thousands of Indigenous people, which still do this day affects the Indigenous Australian’s lives. If the government truly wanted to be a secular society then their policies would be a whole lot different. When Australia was finally graced with a Prime Minister who is atheist, unmarried and a woman, we thought we might have hit the jackpot. How wrong we were, not only has she proven to be inept in every way possible, but also she, her party and the opposing party have done little to nothing to change infuriating inequality that is spread throughout Australia.

Firstly to the obvious, the issue of gay marriage. Actually I wont call it “gay marriage” because it shouldn’t be needed to be labeled as gay marriage. I don’t go out and have a gay coffee, I go out and have a coffee. Just like those in countries that do allow marriage equality don’t go out and get gay married, they just get married. I understand is churches and religious folk don’t want to marry gay people, I get that, whatever but that doesn’t mean that marriage performed in a non religious way should be completely ruled out. Why should we let the small minority rule out something that is simply in essence one person declaring there love for another, in this already hateful world we live in why would someone want to stop something that provides hope and love for so many people.

It’s not just issues such as marriage inequality. Its things like abortion and euthanasia. I don’t understand why anyone would not allow a person to die if they were in so much pain. Euthanasia is allowing someone the freedom to die in a safe way. Imagine you are sitting next to your grandma in the hospital, she has terminal cancer, she is in pain, and she is eventually going to die. Now imagine she says she wants to die, because the pain is just to much to bear and no medication is working, Euthanasia offers her she the freedom to die peacefully and therefore reduce the length of time in which she has to lie in the hospital bed in pain. I know I would rather my grandma go peacefully and pain free if it meant she didn’t have to suffer any longer. I don’t understand why someone would disagree and would rather his or her grandma be forced into suffering longer.

Politics angers me, the world angers me and I’m sick of this supposed ‘secular’ society, it’s bullshit.

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