Monday, July 20, 2009

Dancing In The Dark

Currently in this world there is an estimated 6,706,993,152 people in the world, so when did we become so obsessed with finding the "one"? We are constantly surrounded by this notion of finding love. Everything we ever sing or write about is generally on this topic. The majority of songs that you listen to are based around love, being with someone or of losing love you may have once had. Why is this? Why do we feel that love is an easy thing to sing and write about when the concept of love itself is so hard and painful.

Until just recently i ws never bothered with this concept, i figured if i was meant to be in love it would happen, no point chasing it right? But now not so much. I think it has to do with the notion on me turning 21, yes the big two one, even though i dont feel as if turning 21 is going to change anything it still feels as if though now i am meant to be falling in love with someone, finding somone to start my life with as such, which is so very wrong. It also has to do with all my very close friends now finding there special somones. Being constantly reminded of what i dont have doesnt help.

But from here on i am truning back to my old ways. I will not be chasing after love, no way, once again if its meant to be it will be. In the words of The Beatles "let it be".

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